LWVBN Discussion Group: lwvbn-discuss

Join the Conversation

Is there an article, book, TV program, or web site you'd like to recommend? Did you go to a public hearing or event that sheds light on an issue that you want to share? Would you like to solicit the opinions of other members on news or current events? Tell other League members about it by subscribing to LWVBN's new on-line discussion group, lwvbn-discuss.

The League of Women Voters of Buffalo Niagara inaugurated an on-line discussion group (listserv) to give members a way to exchange ideas, information, opinions, resources, and experience relating to LWV issues and activities. The discussion group is private. Only LWVBN members will be invited to join and only they will be able to read the messages. Since this is a private discussion, subscribers don't need to "speak with one voice." Opinions may be freely expressed, but all messages must be signed with the first and last name of the author. Be sure to read the Guidelines!

Here is how it works:

Sign up using the Google Groups form at the top of this page or send email to Kris Allen, lwvbnweb@lwvbn.org, requesting to join.

Or if you have a Google account, go to the lwvbn-discuss web site and ask to join ( http://groups.google.com/group/lwvbn-discuss). You will receive an email invitation to which you must respond.

Once you have joined, you will receive an e-mail whenever someone posts to the discussion group.

If you have a Google account, you can choose how you will receive e-mails from the discussion group by going to the web site. You can elect to:

You can withdraw from the discussion group whenever you want by going to the lwvbn-discuss web site or by clicking the unsubscribe link that is at the bottom of every message you receive.

Guidelines for the LWVBN Online Discussion: lwvbn-discuss