Intergovernmental Relationships

League of Women Voters of Buffalo Niagara

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Local intergovernmental relationships may include but not be limited to shared services, cooperative agreements, mergers of local government functions, consolidations of local government structures, dissolutions of villages and towns, and annexations.

When deciding whether to support a local intergovernmental relationship, the following criteria should be applied:

  1. Cost savings and positive effect on taxes;
  2. Quality and efficiency of services;
  3. Cooperative and collaborative planning process;
  4. Transparency of the process;
  5. Well defined channels for citizen input and review;
  6. Social and economic justice;
  7. Provision of both short and long term evaluation.

See the PowerPoint presentation on this topic shown at the September 23, 2009, Fall Kick-off LWVBN program. (Text only version)