We took this information from the book entitled Plan B 4.0 by Lester R. Brown (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2009), p. 17.

You can find further information about this subject in "The Real Price of Gasoline: Report No. 3, An Analysis of the Hidden External Costs Consumers Pay to Fuel Their Automobiles" at the website of the International Center for Technology Assessment. Here's a quotation from its executive summary:

"The majority of people paying just over $1 for a gallon of gasoline at the pump has no idea that through increased taxes, excessive insurance premiums, and inflated prices in other retail sectors that that same gallon of fuel is actually costing them between $5.60 and $15.14."

Imagine what these figures might be now that we have experienced gasoline at $4.00 per gallon!


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