Online Sprawl Slide Show - Index

LWV Sprawl Education Campaign

Chapter List:
(click on a chapter to go there)

Help & Instructions

Part 1: History of LWV
(Slides 1 - 2)

Part 2: What is Sprawl?
(Slides 3 - 22)

Part 3: The Costs of Sprawl
(Slides 23 - 44)

Part 4: Successes in Controlling Sprawl
(Slides 45 - 58)

Part 5: Initiatives in New York State
(Slides 59 - 64)

Part 6: What Can You Do? / Conclusion
(Slides 65 - 67)

Part 7: Credits
(Slides 68 - 70)

Contact Information:

League of Women Voters
1272 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14209

Phone: ( 716 ) 883 - 2340

Email: lwvbn@lwvbn.org

LWV Sprawl Home Page: www.lwvbn.org/studyadvocacy/sprawl/sprawl.html

LWV Home Page: www.lwvbn.org

(Last updated on 08/06/12)

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